Ein Minenwarnschild auf einem nebligen Hügel.

Eigentlich gilt Mosmbik als frei von Minen. Doch unentdeckte Landminen, die als Restkontamination gelten, und trotz aufwändiger Suche bisher nicht gefunden werden konnten, haben vor ein paar Tagen mehrere Menschen getötet. (auf Englisch)

Ein Mann in voller Schutzmontur kniet auf dem Boden und streichelt einen Hund
Emtminer von Handicap International in Mosambik. © Eva Maria Fischer / Handicap International 

Quelle: Club of Mozambique

Although Mozambique was declared free of land mines in September 2015, residual mines are still killing and maiming.

Over the past week anti-personnel mines have killed four people in the central Mozambican province of Zambezia and injured a child in Maputo province.

Speaking in Maputo on Tuesday, at his weekly press briefing, the spokesperson for the General Command of the police, Inacio Dina, explained that the four victims in Zambezia were aged between 11 and 25 years old and from the same family.

According to the newspaper “O Pais”, the mine was set off after being disturbed by the group as they hunted for bush rats. Two of the victims died on the spot whilst the others died in hospital.


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